Brass Tacks: Austin Livestrong Half Marathon 2013

Total time: 2:18:16 (Course PR 2:20:12) (PR 2:17:35)
Average pace: 10:33/M (Goal 10:00/M) (PR 10:29)
Division (Age Group) Place: 496/979 (49th Percentile) (Goal: Top 50%)
Gender Place: 2591/5351 (51st Percentile) (Goal: Top 50%)


Lows: The infamous mile 12 hill (“Stairway to heaven.”)


Highs: Perfect weather (and nailing the debate about what to wear when it’s cold at the start but warm by the finish. The answer: Short sleeves and gloves.); Getting in a zone and knocking out the first six miles before ever really checking for a mile marker; Mercifully avoiding photographers while in said “zone,” (It did strike me afterward that photos from that part of the race would have me looking like a Walking Dead extra. I can either focus on pacing up a hill or smile. Not both.); minimal overall soreness and no arch pain (I was worried about an injury after the Rogue 30K); and HITTING THE BLOBLESSNESS GOAL FOR FEBRUARY!



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